Aidan Curtis - 04 September 2024

ShareMyXray for Imaging Centres

Imaging centres are a key part of the healthcare community, providing contract services for local institutions and offering services for individuals requiring physiotherapy, expert opinions or seeking treatment abroad. The running of such a service is stressful enough without worrying how to share the images. Here at ShareMyXray we've worked with countless centres over the years, below are some of the use-cases we've solved.

Remote reporting

Almost every study acquired has to have a radiologist report on the study, often such Radiologists are not directly employed by the imaging centre but rather a contractor external to the organisation. In the past access to imaging would rely on a costly ( both in terms of time and cost) VPN service into your site and an audit/contract relating to the access of imaging. ShareMyXray removes the need for such a VPN and worrying about access controls, simply setup the reporter with an email address and then begin sharing images securely within minutes. Other benefits that come with SMX include audit logs, transaction reports and the ability to pass the transfer cost onto the remote reporter.

Sharing images with patients

Sharing images with patients can be tricky at the best of times; with the decline of physical media (not to mention the increasing costs) and the security surrounding transfer of sesitive data. This is where ShareMyXray comes in, with just an email address you can share imaging securely with a patient and their on-going care provider using our mobile friendly webapp. This fulfills your obligation to the patient quickly and effectively regardless of their device. SMX will keep the patient imaging on our servers for a year, while giving patients the option to View, Download and share their imaging without any further input from your imaging centre. In addition to the above, ShareMyXray provides a request process for the patient to request their imaging from your centre, which provides all the information you need to send them their imaging while also providing validation that you are sending the correct information to the correct patient, reducing the chances of any GDPR mishaps.

Local contracts

If you have a local contract with a provider to performing imaging on their behalf then ShareMyXray provides an excellent proof-of-concept for the transfer of images between the two parties, given that the volume is likely to exceed more than a few studies a day, we would recommend you look at our enterprise product bbRad which has all the features of ShareMyXray but offer more integration into your infrastructure, sending imaging automatically, data-matching patients across organisations and much more.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you, for any sales related queries use the contact form. If you have an urgent support request, please give us a call.

The Factory, 14 Alder Hills
Poole, BH12 4AS